
NAMCHEYBONG SSS was established in 1974 and it is managed by the Department of Education. It is located in Rural area. It is located in PAKYONG district of Sikkim. The school consists of Grades from 1 to 12 affiliated with CBSE.

Instruction Medium: English
Male Teachers: 6
Pre Primary Sectin Avilable: Yes
Board for Class 10th CBSE
School Type: Co-educational
Classes: From Class 1 to Class 10
Female Teacher: 17
Pre Primary Teachers: 3
Board for Class 10+2 Others
Meal Provided and Prepared in School Premises

Establishment: 1974
School Area: Rural
School Shifted to New Place: No
Head Teachers: -
Head Teacher:-
Is School Residential: No
Residential Type: Not Applicable
Total Teachers: 23
Contract Teachers: -
Management: Department of Education